Monday, 19 April 2010

Goldsmiths: But Is It Art?

I randomly came across this program last night on BBC 4 titled, 'Goldsmiths: But Is It Art?' It was the first in a 2 part documentary that follows several art students preparing for their final masters show, and how they plan on making a name for themselves in the art world. As i was watching this on my final night off for Easter before beginning my final term of my degree at CSAD, it really hit me that the end of uni life is just around the corner. Only 8 weeks to go... Listening to the students talk about their feelings on leaving their "comfort zone", and how they rely on their art to display their talent was something I could really relate to as a design student. Sending out a preview of my portfolio to potential employers in the graphic design world means they will initially judge me on me design capabilities, and not on the person I am which is a challenge that both scares and excites me. Watch the whole show on the BBC iplayer here (it's something I definitely recommend for students currently in their last term!)

Above is a piece titled 'Geo' by one of the Goldsmiths student Ian Gonczarow whose work really stood out to me within the program. He appears to have quite a graffiti-style to his art that works well with the mixed media used within his pieces.

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